In Australia there are three levels of governments, the fede

In Australia there are three levels of governments, the federal government, state governments and local governments. All of these levels of government are necessary. This is so for number of reasons. First, the federal government is necessary for the big things. They keep the economy in order and look after like defense. Similarly, the state governments look after the middle sized things. For example they look after law and order, preventing things like vandalism in school. Finally, local government look after the small thins. They look after things like collecting rubbish, otherwise everyone would have disease. Thus for the reason above, we can conclude that the three levels of the government are necessary.


Analytical Exposition    

1. What kind of text is this?

a. Analytical Exposition

b. Report

c. Hortatory Exposition

d. Explanation Text

e. Descriptive Text

2. Who is responsible for defense?

a. Federal government

b. State Government

c. Federal and State Government

d. Federal and Local Government

e. Local Government

3. The litter management is the responsibility of ….

a. all governments

b. Australia

c. Federal government

d. State government

e. Local government


Teks di atas termasuk jenis teks analytical exposition. Analytical Exposition text adalah teks yang menguraikan gagasan penulis tentang fenomena di sekitarnya.

Social function  

The social function is to persuade the reader that the idea is important matter, and to analyze the topic that the thesis/opinion is correct by developing an argument to support it.  

(Fungsi sosialnya adalah untuk membujuk pembaca bahwa ide itu adalah hal yang penting, dan untuk menganalisis topik yang tesis / pendapat itu benar dengan mengembangkan argumen untuk mendukungnya.)

The generic structure of the text:  

  • Thesis => Thesis contains an introduction or presentation of the theme that will be discussed or raised. (Thesis berisi pengenalan atau pemaparan terhadap tema yang akan di bahas atu yang diangkat)  
  • Argument => Argument or opinion which contains the opinions that the author began to explain about the issue raised. (Argument atau pendapat yaitu berisi pendapat-pendapat yang mulai di paparkan oleh penulis terhadap isu yang diangkat tersebut)  
  • Reiteration => Is a conclusion or strengthening statement, which is in the form of rewriting the main idea. (Merupakan kesimpulan atau penguatan pernyataan, yaitu berupa penulisan kembali ide pokok)  

The Language Features:  

  • General noun, Contoh : governments, economy
  • Modals, Contoh: we can conclude that the three levels of the government are necessary.
  • Simple present tense

Perhatikan kata yang ditebalkan yang merupakan bentuk present tense!

In Australia there are three levels of governments, the federal government, state governments and local governments. All of these levels of government are necessary. This is so for number of reasons. First, the federal government is necessary for the big things. They keep the economy in order and look after like defense. Similarly, the state governments look after the middle sized things. For example they look after law and order, preventing things like vandalism in school. Finally, local government look after the small things. They look after things like collecting rubbish, otherwise everyone would have disease. Thus for the reason above, we can conclude that the three levels of the government are necessary.  

  • Passive voice  
  • Evaluative language , the federal government is necessary

Berikut ini terjemahan teks agar lebih paham:

Di Australia ada tiga tingkat pemerintahan, pemerintah federal, pemerintah negara bagian dan pemerintah daerah. Semua tingkat pemerintahan ini diperlukan. Ini karena sejumlah alasan. Pertama, pemerintah federal diperlukan untuk hal-hal besar. Mereka menjaga ekonomi agar teratur dan menjaga seperti pertahanan. Demikian pula, pemerintah negara bagian menjaga hal-hal berukuran menengah. Misalnya mereka menjaga hukum dan ketertiban, mencegah hal-hal seperti vandalisme di sekolah. Akhirnya, pemerintah daerah mengurus hal-hal kecil. Mereka menjaga hal-hal seperti mengumpulkan sampah, kalau tidak semua orang akan menderita penyakit. Jadi untuk alasan di atas, kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa tiga tingkat pemerintahan diperlukan.

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Kelas : 11  

Mata Pelajaran: bahasa Inggris    

Bab : 2  

Kode:11 .5.2  


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