Complete this dialog no 1-3

Complete this dialog no 1-3


Expression for blaming and accusing

Expression for blaming

  • You are to blame.
  • He is the only person who could have done it.
  • The blame is on you.
  • He is the only person we could find fault with.
  • You are the one to take the blame.

Expression for accusing

  • They go about accusing you of …
  • You did it, didn’t you?
  • It was you, wasn’t it?
  • You are the one who should be responsible.
  • Who else, if not you?


Complete the dialogue and perform them to your class.

1) Your school team was beaten by another school team yesterday. You think that it was the fault of the keeper who was playing so carelessly.

Your friend: That was too bad.

You : Yeah, the keeper is the one who should be responsible.

Your friend: He should, shouldn’t he?

You: Certainly, he was playing so carelessly.

Your friend: He was, wasn’t he?

You: Yeah, he should be responsible for our defeat.

Your friend: Yeah, he should, I suppose.

2) You involved in a light collision with another motorcycle rider. Actually, both of you were not careful enough so that the accident happened.

You:  It was your fault.

The other rider: Why?

You: Because you were not careful enough, weren’t you?

The other rider: On the other hand, you were not careful enough, too.

You: And why is that?

The other rider: You are to blame, too.

You: Well, so?

The other rider: So, both of us are the ones to take the blame.

3) Your brother and you were carrying a box of things. Both of you were not careful, you dropped the box and the things were scattered on the ground.

Your brother: Not me.

You: Yes, who else, if not you?

Your brother: You were not careful.

You: Yes, I was not careful, too.

Your brother: So, the blame is on you.

You: No, you are to blame, too.

Your brother: Well, both of us are to blame.

You: All right, both of us are the ones to take the blame.

Your brother: So, let’s do it again.

You: All right, let’s do it again.

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Detail jawaban

Kelas: 8

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Expression for Blaming and Accusing

Kode: 8.5

Kata kunci: blaming, accusing, dialog, expression, blame

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