1. To whom is the letter sent? 2. Who wrote the application

1. To whom is the letter sent? 2. Who wrote the application letter?…


Pertanyaan ini terdapat pada buku bahasa Inggris mengenai application letter pada halaman 64 mengenai Lilis Handayani’s apllication letter.


1. The Letter is sent to Mr Frank Peterson, Personnel Manager Jeans and Co.

2. Lilies Handayani wrote  the application letter.

3. The purpose of writing the letter is to apply for a job being advertised n the Jawa Pos

4. A Local branch manager position is being advertised

5. She knew the vacancy from reading the advertisement in The Jawa Pos on Sunday, June 15

6. Lilis’s current position is as a manager of the local branch of a national shoe retailer.

7. Her current position has provided with opportunity to work in a high-pressure,  team environment.

8. She has developed time management tools for staff using Access  and Excel from Microsoft’s Office Suite at the moment.

9. Yes, I do. I think that Lilis is confident about her competence.

I know from her experiences and qualifications are suited to the position.

10. Yes, she does. Lilies indicates her willingness for an interview.

The evidence from the text:  it can be seen from the text that she provided information about the phone number  and email address.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Untuk application letter pada halaman 70-71, dapat dilihat di: 13190082″ class=”sg-link”>13190082


Detil Jawaban  

Kelas: XII

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris  

Bab: Do You Know How  to Apply for a Job?  (Chapter 5)

Kode: 12.5.5

Kata Kunci: application letter, Task 3: Comprehension Questions

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